Dear DHL Express Customer,
提供优质稳定的服务,DHL 快递在 2020 年推出了紧急情形附加费 (ESS)。
COVID-19 has had significant impacts on the global aviation industry, and global supply chains. In order for
us to maintain a reliable and high quality delivery service for you and your customers, DHL Express introduced
a temporary Emergency Situation Surcharge (ESS) in 2020.
自从全球新冠病毒爆发以来,DHL 团队一直在不断调整我们的全球网络,从而更好地适应疫情
Since the onset of this global pandemic, DHL teams have been adapting and adjusting the operations of our
global network to align with new developments, regulatory requirements and constant changes in capacity
and demand.
由于市场情况正随着疫情的持续发展而不断变化,自 2021 年 11 月 7 日起,我们将对紧急
情形附加费 (ESS) 的计费金额做出调整。
As market conditions continue to evolve with the ongoing situation, the Emergency Situation Surcharge (ESS)
will be adjusted effective November 7th, 2021.
我们将对以下起始地 / 目的地组合的收费金额进行调整,此调整反映了市场环境、航空运力
We are making adjustments for specific origin/destination combinations. This adjustment reflects changes
in market dynamics, air capacity availability and operational restrictions imposed related to COVID-19
measures from local governments:
- 从中国大陆、中国香港 1 寄送至美洲区域:从每公斤 7 元人民币调整为每公斤 16 元人民币
- Origins China Mainland and Hong Kong1 to destinations in the Americas region:
From RMB 7/kg to RMB 16/kg
- 从中国大陆、中国香港 1 寄送至欧洲区域:从每公斤 7 元人民币调整为每公斤 9 元人民币
- Origins China Mainland and Hong Kong1 to destinations in the Europe region:
From RMB 7/kg to RMB 9/kg
- 从欧洲、美洲及其余国家寄送至澳大利亚和新西兰:从每公斤 2 元人民币调整为每公斤 16 元
- Origins Europe, Americas and Rest of World to destination Australia and New Zealand:
From RMB 2/kg to RMB 16/kg
您可参考如下不同起始地与目的地组合的 ESS 收费标准。
Below, you will find the details for the adjusted ESS per origin and destination combination.
2021 年 11 月 7 日起生效的紧急情形附加费(人民币 / 公斤)
DHL Express Emergency Situation Surcharge as of November 7th, 2021 (Charge in RMB per Kg)
Please note that the ESS is a temporary charge, which allows us to cover part of the operating cost increases
and the necessary air network adjustments. We will continue to evaluate and adjust the ESS as market
conditions evolve for the duration of this emergency situation.